Monday, September 8, 2008

Quick stop...

Just wanted to let everyone know things are going good here. The girls have settled into the routine of school and homework. Nick and I are playing co-ed softball on the Bradbury Co team again this year. Nick is coaching our team again this year and does a good job if I must say so myself. Our first game was postponed due to the fields being to wet. I also started back with my traveling bowling league. We meet the first Sunday of every month and bowl 6 games. Surprise I also am doing bunco the second Thursday a month with 7 other moms. I must saying it is nice to have something to do in the evening since I am home all day. Breaks up my long days here alone with the baby. I hope everyone in Utah is doing good!


Jarrod said...

Bunko, bowling, sounds fun. Its fun to have some adult time and get out.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! You're getting kinda busy! It's always good to have stuff to do that gets you out and about though.

Jarrod said...

HELLO...where have you been?! Update sometime! Hope your family is doing well!

Annie said...

I agree with Mindy....its time for an update!!!!