Monday, November 10, 2008


Well while I am here I am gonna post Halloween pictures!

We had a good Halloween the girls each had a friend here for trick or treating. This is the first year I have stayed home part of the night and handed out candy while Nick took the girls trick or treating. The girls came home with way more candy then they will probably eat but that is why we have Nick here to eat the rest. HE HE

Well I will try to update a little more often and I hope this email find everyone doing well.


Anonymous said...

Yay! You updated your blog!!! I've been waiting.... j/k ;). How are you? I love youre girls' costumes. Batman is priceless!!! Or is she Batgirl? I hope you and yours are doing well. Keep us all updated!!!

Jarrod said...

Cute costumes! I thought maybe you had checked out of the blog world, but I am happy to see you're back! Miss you guys and hope you all are doing well.